There comes a time when people pray for others, and this means becoming a mediator. This is known as intercessory prayer for a given reason. As the bible says, intercession is that conversation rendered on behalf of others in need. People will always be interceding for the people they love. You can learn more in this page:


The Christian prayers made are all intercessions, which is done to God through Christ. As per the New Testament, Christ is the real intercessor as his death connected us to God. We, the followers of Christ, are made to intercede when praying for others as we ask the Lord to come and grant the wishes according to his will.


Every Christian can intercede as there is no step or requirement. You do not have to be considered superior to mediate on behalf of others. As a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit needed to follow the Christ ways and become the powerful intercessor. If you fail to do this, then you are sinning.


If a person is in need, you have to help them. That is why our Bibles ask us to become mediators because Christ does the same as per God’s will.


True believers in Christ must do intercessory prayers. The prayers are meant for all people and seek help on behalf. Intercession is not meant for some Christians as many people think. The Lord asks believers to meditate. In some instances, you have the need to pray for people, even strangers or local community. You might go to pray for soldiers, those asking to be prayed for in social media and those who are poor. It is very much needed.


When praying for others, you will be lifting them. You can also ask other people to be part of your praying group so that they develop that love. You have to pray for elders to make them serve the community. You also pray for parents, all people of the world to love, intercede for those who are lost and those who have lost hope.


If you held intercessory prayers, it makes use internalize Gods word, connect people and places, help to renew our hope and faith, make us humble, changes the spiritual atmosphere and make various blessings to come to the intercessors.


If you develop the habit to intercede for people, blessings will come. This also helps them see the light and repents. As shown on GOD TV, interceding is an outreach ministry where you lay your life for others. Click this link for more information:
